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First Congregational Church was founded in 1868 in the city of New Haven, MI by 17 people. We moved into the church, which is the current sanctuary in the beginning of 1874. As the years progressed the church was given gifts and expanded by adding on the church offices, foyer, family center, kitchen, and Sunday School rooms. The parsonage, which is the house directly to the east of the church was built in 1922 and continues to serve as the home for the pastor today. Over the years the church has received donations and gifts which have increased the property ownings and the church's ability to do different things in ministry.

The church has experienced many ups and downs over the last 143 years both finanically and spiritually, and continues to reach for God today. In 1964 the church joined the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference. The conference continues to grow and assist the member churches to this day, keeping the truth of God's Word alive and thriving. If you would like more information regarding the CCCC you can visit their website at www.ccccusa.com where you can read their history and beliefs.

FCC today seeks to reach a community and world with the love and power of Christ to change lives and eternities. The people here are loving, compassionate, and caring about those they live with, around, and near desiring to show Christ to them. While none of us are perfect we do seek to live a life that reflects all that we believe in the Word of God.

If you would like more information about the church you can peruse the site or go to http://www.facebook.com/FCCNewHaven

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