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Pastor Todd Evans

I was raised as a P.K. (pastor's kid) throughout my entire life. As I grew I experienced many of the difficulties and struggles that come along with being raised in the "fishbowl." But God was faithful to the prayers of my parents and He brought me into His family in 1987 at a winter youth retreat with our church. While I still had struggles, God worked in me and through many others to bring me continually closer to Him.

Fast forward several years and God has done quite a bit in my life. I graduated from Taylor University with a social studies degree in secondary education. I went on to teach middle and high school social studies for the next 3 years. At the end of that time I felt like God was calling me into some form of ministry. I then spent 3 years as a worship pastor and 1 year as a youth pastor.

In 2003 I married my wonderful wife, Amber and we started our journey together through life while God also started working on my next phase in life, attending seminary to move into full time pastoral ministry. Along this way we also had our two wonderful daughters. God led me to the perfect school for that time and I graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University in August 2007.

In October 2007 God called us to FCC after much prayer and talking. He has been faithful in guiding us in our journey and has given us an exciting time so far, allowing us to become a part of the church family and seeing all of us grow together. We've been able to do a lot of different things in the church and community, and selfishly for myself to start working toward a lifelong goal-earning a black belt in the martial arts. I train in and teach Cha Yun-do, which is a Christian martial art. During this time we also had our third daughter, which has brought its own struggles due to her health issues. God has been wonderful in giving us a great church family and community that has stood behind us and with us through it all. As we move forward serving our church and community, we are all very excited about what is in store for the future!

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